Apex | 3.7 | Semidwarf | N/A | Medium | Rps1k | |
HIGHPRO1 | 3.7 | Resistant | Large | Tolerant | ||
IA2104RA12 | 2.3 | Intermediate | Large | |||
IA 3051RA12 | 3.1 | Intermediate | Large | |||
IA3054RA12 | 3.0 | Intermediate | Large | |||
Lorain | 3.4 | Intermediate | Resistant | Small | Rps1c | |
Resnik | 3.4 | Intermediate | Resistant | Very Small | Rps1k | Fair |
Streeter | 3 | Intermediate | Very Resistant | Medium | Rps1c/ Rps3a | N/A |
Summit | 2.6 | Intermediate | Resistant | Medium | Multiple Rps Genes | N/A |
Wyandot 14 | 2.9 | Intermediate | Resistant | Large | Rps3a | Susceptible |
Schwartz Farms
4193 Everett-Hull Rd., Cortland, OH 44410
Trumbull Co. (330)637-3388
IA 3051RA12 has a maturity rating of 3.1 and was released by Iowa State University Research Foundation. It was developed by backcrossing the Rag1 and Rag2 alleles into IA3051. IA3051RA12 has white flowers, brown pods, gray pubescence and seeds with yellow hila and yellow seed coat color. There are variants for up to 1% purple flower color and up to 1% tawny pubescence. Recognized classes are F, R and C
DKG Seed Farm
5043 Coal Bank Rd, Orrville, OH 44667
Wayne CO. (330)465-7079
Scoular Company
5730 N. Greenville Falls-Clayton Road, Covington, OH 45318
Miami CO. (800)336-2025
Schwartz Farms
4193 Everett-Hull Rd., Cortland, OH 44410
Trumbull Co. (330)637-3388
IA3054RA12 soybean variety has a maturity rating of 3.0 and was released by Iowa State University Research Foundation in 2016. It was developed by backcrossing the Rag1 and Rag2 alleles into IA3051. IA3054RA12 is an earlier maturing selection form the backcross program. IA3054RA12 will be grown in the southern half of Iowa and in similar latitudes in other parts of the United States for use in the production of soyfoods. IA3054RA12 has not been tested against specific soybean diseases. IA3051RA12 possesses soybean aphid resistance conferred by the Rag1 and Rag2 alleles. The plant descriptions includes ovate leaf shapes Brown Pod Color; White Flowers; Green hypocotyl color; and gray pubescence. The mature seed description includes yellow hilum color and seed color; elongate seed shape and the average number of seeds per pound is 2,020.
Variants and other identifying characteristics include tolerance of 1% for off-type hilum and seed coat color. Foundation, Registered, and Certified are recognized seed classes. The Iowa State University Research Foundation, Inc. (ISURF) is the responsible party. Seed stocks will be maintained by roguing off-types from Foundation seed production fields. Production is subject to a licensing agreement with ISURF.
Schwartz Farms
4193 Everett-Hull Rd., Cortland, OH 44410
Trumbull Co. (330)637-3388
LORAIN (formerly HS7W-82) is a 2014 soybean release of the Ohio State University. Lorain is a conventional soybean variety being released due to its excellent yields and race-specific resistance Rps1c to Phytophthora sojae. Based on a single green house assay, Lorain is moderately susceptible to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). Root rot scores indicated that Lorain has high levels of partial resistance which are similar to Dennison. Lorain is a 3.4 maturity variety with white flowers, light tawny pubescence, dull yellow seed coat, black hilum and indeterminate growth habit.
Miller Seed Farms
14564 St. Rte. 162, Attica, OH 44807
Seneca CO. (419)426-1791
DKG Seed Farm
5043 Coal Bank Rd, Orrville, OH 44667
Wayne CO. (330)465-7079
STREETER is an early Group 3.0 maturing conventional soybean variety released by The Ohio State University in 2008. It is approximately one day later in maturity than Wyandot, but yields higher than Wyandot and is two inches taller. Streeter has excellent lodging resistance. The variety has white flowers, light tawny pubescence, tan pods and black hilum color. This line carriers Rps1c and Rps3a for Phytophthora resistance.
DKG Seed Farm
5043 Coal Bank Rd, Orrville, OH 44667
Wayne CO. (330)465-7079
SUMMIT is a high yielding conventional oil and meal type soybean variety released by The Ohio State University in 2011. The variety has a 2.6 relative maturity, purple flowers, light tawny pubescence, tan pods and a black hilum. Based on preliminary data “Summit” has multiple Rps genes and a high level of partial resistance to P. sojae.
DKG Seed Farms
5043 Coal Bank Rd, Orrville, OH 44667
Wayne CO. (330)465-7079
Miller Seed Farms
14564 St. Rte. 162, Attica, OH 44807
Seneca CO. (419)426-1791
WYANDOT 14 is a 2012 release of the Ohio State University (OSU). This variety has a very good yield record and serves as a replacement for Wyandot. Resistance to Phytophthora is realized with the presence of the Rps3a gene. This 2.9 maturity variety has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pods and yellow (clear) hila. Wyandot 14 is specially adapted to the northern half of Ohio soybean growing regions, where soybean aphid and powdery mildew are likely pests. In six different yield environments over a three year period Wyandot 14 had higher or equal seed yields compared to Wyandot. Seed size, seed protein and seed oil content is similar to Wyandot. This variety has indeterminate growth habit and equal or superior agronomic attributes than Wyandot. Wyandot 14 has white flowers, grey pubescence, brown pods, and yellow hillum color with a 1.75% variant for other hila colors.
Miller Seed Farms
14564 St. Rte. 162, Attica, OH 44807
Seneca CO. (419)426-1791
Wensink Farm Seeds, Inc.
4704 Wood Rd., Rt. #1 Monroeville, OH 44847
Erie Co. (419)359-1501
Quality Assurance is a uniform record keeping, field inspecting and lab testing program for plant material suppliers of private varieties and brands of seed. Our role is to help identify planting stock quality problems before seed lots enter the market place and to identify superior lots for efficient movement to the farmer or end user.
B.F. Walton & Sons Seed Co., Wyandot Co
AGI 25M04
AGI 31M04
AGI 9-730AE
DKG Seed Farms, Wayne Co
DKG 3808
Miller Seed Farms, Seneca Co
BG 9270E3
BG 9290E3,
BG 9332E3
R Farm, Pickaway Co
AGI 0-733AE
AGI 1-736AE
AGI 7374M
AGI 9-737AE
Reiterman Seed Farms, Pickaway Co
AGI 0-439AXF
AGI 3601RX
Riker Farm Seed Co., Wood Co
AGI 1-722AE
AGI 1-727AE
AGI 1-731AE
AGI 2801GL
AGI 3102GL
AGI 32CN08
Rupp Seeds, Inc., Fulton Co.
Thompson Seed Farm, Inc., Allen Co.
Utz Seed Farms, Inc., Van Wert Co
AGI 0-733AE
AGI 1-722AE
AGI 1-727AE
AGI 1-729AE
AGI 1-730AE
AGI 25M04
AGI 2-713AE
AGI 2-723AE
AGI 2-725AE
AGI 9-730AE